New Brightfield study indicates continued growth in Pet CBD Market

A recent study by Brightfield Group proposes that the already robust pet CBD product market is continuing to grow. Pet CBD sales in 2020 were $426 million, and so far in 2021 they have exceeded $629 million and are expected to grow beyond 50%. 

The report indicated key demographics responsible for such growth, specifically millennials which accounted for 53%, and Generation X following not too far behind (22%).

Shoppers were 55% women, with 46% living in the city versus their suburban counterparts which made up only 30% of pet CBD purchasers.

The pets receiving these CBD infused products were overwhelmingly dogs (77%), with cat treatment also growing a small amount.  The pet parents themselves reported self-use had grown from the 2020 (58%) to what is currently 73%.

Over the past year many pets have become accustomed to having their humans working out of the house.  The ability to log in and remote work has been a blessing for so many who in the past have scheduled dog walkers and pet daycare drop-offs. Now that meetings were happening via Zoom pet owners finally had the ability to scratch ears and throw toys during conference calls.  These shoppers are looking to help ease their furry friend’s anxiety as they begin to return to in person work. With that adjustment comes some separation anxiety and pet CBD has shown to greatly help animals through this common condition.  Have questions about how CBD might affect your pet? Consider reaching out to your Vet, 70% of pet CBD purchasers reported discussing CBD with their veterinarian in 2021, with 85% receiving “enthusiastic responses”. Pet conditions, safety, success, dosing and CBD types (full spectrum/isolates) were all key points discussed with veterinary professionals. 

View our Instagram page @beleaflifesoils to read testimonials by owners who have used our Pet CBD to help their loved ones find comfort and relief the natural way. 


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